Green Sage Cafe Lawsuit


Green Sage Cafe: A Lawsuit Brews Over Sprouts and Sustainability

Green Sage Cafe, a beloved Asheville eatery known for its organic, farm-to-table fare, has found itself embroiled in a legal spat that’s as unexpected as it is unsettling. The lawsuit, filed by a former employee, alleges that the cafe’s commitment to “pure” food extends to an unhealthy obsession with raw sprouts, potentially putting customers’ health at risk.

Imagine biting into a crunchy, vibrant salad at your favorite local cafe, only to discover later that the seemingly innocuous sprouts lurking within could harbor harmful bacteria, triggering foodborne illnesses like E. coli. That’s the chilling scenario painted by the lawsuit, which claims Green Sage’s sprout-heavy dishes violate basic food safety guidelines.

The plaintiff, a former cook, alleges that the cafe’s sprout cultivation practices were far from hygienic, with inconsistent temperature control and inadequate sanitation procedures creating a breeding ground for pathogens. This, coupled with the cafe’s alleged disregard for warnings from food safety inspectors, raises serious concerns about the potential health risks associated with Green Sage’s sprout-centric menu.

But the lawsuit delves deeper than just sprouts. It also questions the cafe’s overall commitment to sustainability, a cornerstone of its brand identity. The plaintiff alleges that Green Sage prioritizes aesthetics and profit over environmental responsibility, citing practices like single-use packaging and excessive food waste.

This lawsuit has stirred up a hornet’s nest in Asheville’s food scene. Longtime patrons are grappling with the possibility that their go-to healthy lunch spot might harbor hidden health hazards. Meanwhile, the cafe’s management has vehemently denied the allegations, claiming strict adherence to food safety regulations and unwavering commitment to sustainable practices.

The legal battle is ongoing, and the truth remains shrouded in a haze of conflicting claims. But one thing is clear: Green Sage Cafe, once synonymous with fresh, wholesome food, now faces a reckoning that could tarnish its carefully cultivated image.


What are the specific allegations against Green Sage Cafe?

The lawsuit alleges that the cafe’s sprout cultivation practices violate food safety guidelines and that the cafe prioritizes profit over environmental responsibility.

Has Green Sage Cafe responded to the lawsuit?

Yes, the cafe has denied the allegations and claims to adhere to strict food safety regulations and sustainable practices.

What are the potential health risks associated with consuming sprouts?

Sprouts can harbor harmful bacteria like E. coli if not grown and handled properly.

What is the current status of the lawsuit?

The lawsuit is ongoing.

Is Green Sage Cafe still safe to eat at?

The authorities are investigating the allegations, and it’s best to consult official health advisories before making a decision.

What are other sustainable and healthy food options in Asheville?

Asheville offers a plethora of restaurants committed to fresh, local, and environmentally responsible food. Consider exploring alternative dining options until the legal situation surrounding Green Sage Cafe is resolved.


Asheville Citizen Times:
Food Safety News:
Green Sage Cafe Website:

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