GM 8-Speed Transmission Lawsuit Update


Grumbling Gears: The GM 8-Speed Transmission Lawsuit Saga, Explained

Remember that clunky, jerky shift your Chevy Silverado used to do? Turns out, you weren’t alone. Thousands of GM car owners across the U.S. faced similar frustrations, and guess what? They weren’t just quirks – they were allegedly symptoms of a widespread transmission defect. Buckle up, folks, because we’re diving into the ongoing saga of the GM 8-speed transmission lawsuit.

The Plot Thickens: Allegations of Defective Gears

The lawsuit, filed in 2022, targets the 8L45 and 8L90 8-speed transmissions found in over 800,000 GM vehicles between 2015 and 2019, from Camaros to Silverados. Drivers reported a laundry list of woes: jerky shifts, hesitation on acceleration, even sudden downshifts that felt like getting rear-ended. These weren’t just annoying – they were allegedly safety hazards, making merging and navigating tricky situations a gamble.

Class Action Certified: Taking GM to Court

Fast forward to March 2023, and the plot twists: a judge grants class-action status to the lawsuit. This means thousands of affected drivers can join forces and present their case as one. It’s like David slinging a mighty legal stone at the Goliath of GM.

GM’s Defense: Shifting Blame?

So, what’s GM’s side of the story? They maintain the transmissions are fine, blaming the reported issues on factors like “driving habits” and “improper maintenance.” But the plaintiffs aren’t convinced. They point to internal GM documents and service bulletins mentioning transmission problems, suggesting the automaker knew about the issues all along.

Where We Stand Now: An Open Road Ahead

The lawsuit is still in its early stages. Discovery, depositions, and expert testimony are on the horizon. It could be a long and winding road, but the class-action certification is a significant victory for affected drivers. It gives them a united voice and a fighting chance to hold GM accountable.

So, what does this mean for you?

If you own a 2015-2019 GM vehicle with an 8L45 or 8L90 transmission and have experienced any of the mentioned issues, stay informed. Check the lawsuit website ( for updates and eligibility information. You might be entitled to compensation for repairs, diminished vehicle value, or even emotional distress.

Remember, knowledge is power. Stay tuned as this story unfolds, and keep your gears engaged!


Which GM vehicles are affected by the lawsuit?

The lawsuit covers 13 GM models equipped with the 8L45 or 8L90 transmissions between 2015 and 2019. Check the lawsuit website for a complete list.

What are the potential damages I could recover?

If you qualify, you could be entitled to reimbursement for repairs, diminished vehicle value, and even emotional distress.

Do I need to join the lawsuit to be eligible for compensation?

Not necessarily. The class-action certification automatically benefits all eligible drivers, even if they don’t actively join the lawsuit.

What is the timeline for the lawsuit?

It’s difficult to predict, but it could take months or even years to reach a resolution.

What if I have more questions?

The lawsuit website ( and your attorney are excellent resources for further information and guidance.

Can I keep driving my car?

If your vehicle is safe to operate, you can continue driving it. However, it’s always advisable to consult a qualified mechanic and stay informed about any recall or service bulletins related to your specific transmission.

Remember, this is just the beginning of the story. Keep your eyes peeled for updates, and let’s hope justice gets served, one smooth gear shift at a time!


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